Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So a random twitter user said something about how they'd been reading my blog... and I panicked, having forgotten that I have a link to it in my twitter profile, and that, well, I used to write it, occasionally.
So, here I am, already wed, and feeling quite oddly serene about the whole wedding/marriage thing. It wasn't the fiasco I had feared, in spite of MIL's awful, hurtful comments about the cleanliness of my house, and the stress that ensued, the working bees that were fair near enforced upon us (again by N's family) and then the glorious, beautiful moments, like my cousin coming down and just...being there for me - helping me with last minute mindless things and providing an incredibly reassuring grounding for me.

The picture used for inspiration... from Green Wedding Shoes

And other little things - my mother emailing me a picture of a dessert table, which she then printed and showed to my aunts and grandmother who were like, "right, let's make it happen"... and it did, with my favourite foods, stuff that I really wanted to share with people - my grandmother's chocolate caramel slice, I made chocolate brownies and white chocolate blondies, pineapple upside down cake, a mate of mine made a gigantic tiramisu (easily one of my favourite desserts ever) and lots of little pink meringues that my grandmother made. And the crocquembouche.
It was adorable though, the guests were ravenous and launched themselves at the food N had cooked: beef porkolt, lencesfozelek (like a hungarian lentil stew), Kapros zoldbabfozelek (green beans with a kind of dill flavour... delicious), Székely gulyás (pork sauerkraut stew), uborka salata (cucumber salad) and paprikas csirke (chicken paprika stew). Lots of sour cream, lard, very rich fatty food. But oh. so. good.
What's lovely is that my friends are still talking about it.

So I'll get some pictures up eventually. But for the nobody that reads this blog, I'm sure you can wait!

In other news, research project is going swimmingly, if not ridiculously time consuming. Because I realised early on that it was impossible for me to continue playing rugby as well as all the other crap that I do (basically uni, touch footy and ferrying the girls around to all of their activities) I have substantially reduced my level of physical exercise...and not really stopped stuffing my face with food at all. Ergh.

So, I end this blog with a promise to post more. Maybe.

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